Our Charity Partnership

Educational registered charity Project Pencil Case works in partnership with Arakele.  Project Pencil Case and Arakele are committed to supporting the local economy by providing women with the skills and tools to help themselves.

Project Pencil Case and Arakele Fashion Design College focus on girls who have failed their 10th and 12 grade final exams - they take the Short Term course in sewing and receive academic tuition, enabling them to retake their school exams the following year. The path for their future without the completion of school becomes much less stable and the girls will not have the resources both intellectually or financially to be self reliant.

During their course, Arakele students make school uniforms for underprivileged Primary School students in Addis Ababa – these students are appropriately sourced and come from families unable to afford the basic school uniform.  

 Scholarship Sponsors and Funders

In addition to Arakele sponsoring students, we are very grateful to our International and Local partnerships -  providing us with students and the funds to train them. We also value the support of international friends and supporters who have individually sponsored students.